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New Year New Light

Happy Chinese New Year from Sunshine Academy!

At the start of 2020 Sunshine Academy has launched our newest 2-day Special Education training initiative “New Light” to public Social Welfare Centers that are interested in learning more about Special Education and giving them a chance to try and implement new special education philosophy. 

On January 15 and 16, our Deputy Director of Program Implementation, Effie Ren conducted our first “New Light” training at the Zhangzhou Social Welfare Center in Fujian Province. During her 2 day visit, Effie trained staff on our basic Sunshine philosophies of education and behavior management in the context of love. Teacher Wu said this training was especially helpful giving teachers a clear idea and system of how to help manage children's behaviors. Effie also trained teachers in the Special Education methods of setting functional goals and case analysis for students with special needs. These methods include making adjustments and support plans based on each students' situation resulting in an improvement of each one's learning ability and quality of life. Teacher Xie said learning functional goals helps her understand more of what children need, which is a primary concern of teachers. 

It is encouraging to know that the Zhangahou Center Director Xie and his team are eagre to continue a cooperation with Sunshine Academy to improve their special education programs. 

It is with much excitement and hope for the future that we kick of this New Year with some New Light to reach more children. 



Contact: Ivy Bai

Phone: 13360527824

Tel: 0755-86268617

Email: ivybai@casunshine.org

Add: 354 Liutang Rd and Xin'an St, Bao'an Shezhen, Guangdong Prov. , PR China