Welcome: Sunshine Academy
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Nanyang Sunshine Academy opening day

Thanks to the leadership and support of the Nanyang center, On Dec 17, the Grand Opening Day of the Nanyang Sunshine Academy was a special opportunity for our Sunshine Academy teachers and students to show off to the over 35 visitors just how far they have come in such a short amount of time. Before observing classes, Executive Director Heidi Olson introduced Sunshine Academy’s philosophies of providing life-giving love, creating healthy boundaries and giving children freedom to grow. As visitors observed the active and creative classes, they were impressed with the interaction between the teacher and students. Vice Director Guo said that he was amazed at the teachers’ progress in such a short amount of time.

Our Project Manager team Janet Qin and Carina Qiao will continue to work side-by-side with our teaching team for ongoing training and management ensuring a solid start to our Sunshine Academy in Nanyang.



Contact: Ivy Bai

Phone: 13360527824

Tel: 0755-86268617

Email: ivybai@casunshine.org

Add: 354 Liutang Rd and Xin'an St, Bao'an Shezhen, Guangdong Prov. , PR China